The Creative Adult is the Child who survived


I don’t really believe in coincidence, there’s far too much in life that seems to link, however you look at it. Some people are spiritual, some religious. I’m neither really, but I do feel there’s no harm in having faith in the energy you put out there coming back to you, even if it’s as small as being kind to others and treating people how you would like to be treated.

What’s funny is a few years ago, I had a conversation with a friend of mine who lives in London. A fellow creative, who explores his creativity through carpentry. As normal, we discussed life, dreams, aspirations, and had the usual banter. Off he went back down his hometown and that was that.

A few days later, amongst a busy day in my old life as a recruiter, I was driving back home from a meeting. I briefly noticed a message pop up from my friend, which was nothing but a picture notification. I pulled up on my driveway, opened the thread and saw a picture of some Graffiti in an unknown location, with no tag, and the following words “the Creative Adult is the Child who survived”

This single communication sparked a dream in me I didn’t know I had. The creation of Jaja, the seed planted for a life away from corporate bullshit, aggressive sales directors, and unrealistic expectations. Working thankless long hours for people who didn’t care about me, slowly killing every part of me in exchange for a guaranteed amount of money at the end of the month.  I immediately explored the possibility of a world where creativity can be much more than just a hobby or a game, but an actual way of life. An epiphany if you will, my own personal miracle.

Since this moment, I’ve taken the steps to build a creative company and things are going well. I’m all about celebrating success, but that’s not the purpose of my writing.

The purpose is to pass on this dream to anyone who needs it, to place appropriate energy in the direction of a person who feels stuck, unsatisfied, or defeated. To help someone give themselves permission to simply feel again, without barriers or expectation of targets or KPI’s.

Since reading that quote, opening my eyes and mind, I have noticed just how much people thrive when they are free enough to use their creative brain. We can defy logic, break stigmas, and destroy societal norms in the most beautiful way when we are free. Get creatives in a room and it's magical, everyone automatically starts to collaborate, explore, and play with ideas. It’s incredible, but when you stop to consider it, it’s normal. Where we’re supposed to be, tribal.

Regardless of whether you are looking to change jobs, or just need a hobby, please be brave. Nurture your inner child to think freely, even for a small amount of the day. Dance, sing, read or write. Draw or paint. Anything to release you from the restraints of what your adult brain thinks you “should” be doing, because you deserve to explore that side of yourself.

It’s no coincidence that therapy usually starts with talking about your childhood. Maybe that’s because our child versions were much wiser than us.

I believe, “The Creative Adult is the Child who survived”

Do You?


You can’t do that.